Making Room to Gather and Give
YOU CAN BE PART OF SOMETHING WONDERFUL! Everyday life-changing, life-saving shelter is shared with love and hospitality at Room in the Inn. We need...
Making Room in Memphis
We are experiencing a crisis. That seems like a “no kidding!” thing to say in the times in which we live. We are still recovering physically and...
Making Room for a New Start
These keys represent the individuals and families who have moved from RITI into housing since 2021. While we celebrate these big moves, RITI's...
Making Room to Play
The need for shelter is serious business, and trying to meet the needs of hundreds of people seeking help for this basic necessity is hard work. As...
Making Room to Welcome
We have a special word for the type of welcome we want to offer and experience at RITI: “Holy Hospitality” Hospitality is more than an invitation,...
Making Room to Bloom
This month we explore what it means to be "Make Room to Bloom" by reflecting our 3rd Annual "INN BLOOM: CELEBRATION OF NEW BEGINNINGS" held last...
Making Room to Serve
Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month! - Terri Dulaney, Volunteer Coordinator I have the best job! I get to spend my days planning and working...
Making Room to Flourish
RITI Makes Room through Creative Expression & ActivitiesBy Sofia Freed, RITI Creative Assistant Intern The art class was not the place to come...
Making Room for Love
Take a moment to watch this special Valentine's Day greeting from Room in the Inn - Memphis! We are so grateful for the community we are building...
Making Room in 2024
A new year brings a new focus to our monthly updates. Last year, we took a deep dive into RITI’s core values. This year, we’ll explore all the ways...
Be the Light
RITI is so often a last resort for guests seeking shelter who have exhausted all available resources. You can be the light at the end of that tunnel...
Some Gifts Cannot Be Wrapped
Dear Friends of Room in the Inn-Memphis, The holidays bring with them a time to reflect with so much gratitude. Another year of serving those...
RITI Begins 15th Year
November is a special time at Room in the Inn. It’s the beginning of our Congregational Winter Shelter program, which started it all. This is a...
In Memory of Father Charles Strobel
This Will Be Your Work the Rest of Your Life It was pouring rain when our van pulled up to a building that looked like it may not be very...
In a Safe Environment
This month concludes our walk through RITI’s Core Values. A few things we’ve learned about creating a “safe environment” for and with people...
And Hospitality
The Mystery of Hospitality In the preface of her book, Making Room, Christine Pohl shares: “A mystery of hospitality is how often one senses...
Giving Hope
ROOM IN THE INN - MEMPHIS, Core Values: Building Community on Love & Respect Welcoming All as an Expression of Faith Giving Hope and Hospitality...
Remembering Bradley Winchester
We mourn the loss of Brad Winchester, who has been a RITI guest for the past twelve years. We have had the honor of accompanying Brad through...
Welcoming All
"Welcoming All as an Expression of Faith" We're still exploring RITI's Core Values with you here each month, and it's appropriate that we...
And Respect
R-E-S-P-E-C-T As we continue our exploration of RITI’s core values, let’s talk about RESPECT. What does respect look like at Room in the Inn...
Remembering Harold Wilson
Today we said goodbye and gave thanks for the life of Harold Wilson. Harold was a RITI guest and daily presence in our lives for many years. A...
On Love
WHAT DOES LOVE LOOK LIKE AT RITI? As we continue our exploration of RITI’s Core Values, January focused on “Building Community” and February...
Building Community
Happy New Year! This year our newsletters will walk through RITI’s Core Values and take time each month to highlight why each is important to who we...
Giving Health and Healing
Inn Crowd, We Love You! Dear Inn Crowd, We all love to belong to groups that make us feel valued and of use in a world that has so many needs. I am...
Gratitude & Memorials
We Remember Them... We started this month of gratitude on All Saints Day by dedicating our Guest Memorial Wall. A permanent installation remembers...
Monthly Donors Give Growth
There is a door frame in my grandparents’ house marking my height from ages 3 to 15. Lines etched deeply with Poppy’s pencil, an annual tradition on...
Winter Shelter Hosts Needed
Congregational Shelter Hosts Create Spaces of Life Saving Shelter I am getting so excited about a new season of Winter Shelter for our...
Community Engagement
Community Engagement staff give sustainability and support So, you’ve heard about RITI’s three shelter programs - Congregational Shelter, Family...
Children in the Inn
CITI Camp Finally at Home! For twelve years, RITI has sheltered people experiencing homelessness in Memphis, and children have always been among the...
Recuperative Care Center
Welcome to RITI's Recuperative Care Center! Have you ever wondered what happens to someone experiencing homelessness who is released from the...
Affordable Housing?
The only solution to homelessness is housing. View the presentation to learn more about the issues RITI guests face with locating and...
Volunteer Appreciation Month
We Love Volunteers! A note from our Volunteer Coordinator and highlights from April's INN SIGHT newsletter. April is Volunteer Appreciation Month,...
Social Work as Advocacy
Social Workers Appreciation MonthHighlights from RITI's Monthly Newsletter INN SIGHT March is Social Work Month, and we are celebrating the...
Donor Appreciation
Will You Be Our Valentine? Month of Love brings appreciation for RITI Donors Roses are red,Violets are blue,Giving is sweet,And so are you! During...
Inn Crowd Shines Light in Coldest Months
Season of #LIGHTLOVESHELTER Continues Highlights from "INN SIGHT" - the RITI monthly newsletter Navigating the "how" of providing life-saving winter...
Home for the Holidays
Happy Holidays from Room in the Inn - Memphis! As we enter this season, many of us start to think about being home for the holidays. Now more...
Give Well, Give Forward
Lessons on Giving, From Our Creative DirectorHighlights from RITI's Monthly "INN SIGHT" I’d like to pause during this busy time of year to say thank...
Light, Love, Shelter
13 Years of #LIGHTLOVESHELTERHighlights from RITI's November INN SIGHT November means the start of our 13th RITI Winter Shelter Season. This year,...
Housing Stabilization
Thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis, RITI is delighted to introduce the Housing Stabilization project. Kathleen...
Highlights from RITI's September INN SIGHT Since moving into our own new home at 409 Ayers Street earlier this year, RITI has celebrated with...
Volunteer at RITI’s New Campus
Volunteer at RITI's New Home! On April 19, we joined the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, the City of Memphis, and Shelby County in...
Room in the Inn Finds a Home
Happy Epiphany - When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! Dear Friends, I am very excited to share this brief 3 1/2 minute video...
Our Finest Gifts We Bring
What Gifts Do YOU Bring? Dear Friends, “Our finest gifts we bring to lay before the King.” As you may know, these are lyrics from The Little...
Recuperative Care Center to Open
Memphis to become home to Mid-South’s first recuperative care center for the homeless Have you ever wondered what happens to someone experiencing...
Navigating COVID-19
Like everyone, the RITI team has navigated a number of transitions since the COVID19 pandemic began. In March, we ended our winter shelter season...
PRESS RELEASE: Empty to Enough
For Immediate Release RITI Memphis mobilizes to meet need for shelter this winterRITI invites local faith communities to join the host network as...
Black Lives Matter
A Message from our Executive Director Dear friends,It is important that we all acknowledge the local and national efforts to oppose racism, white...
Celebrating Interns
Congratulations to our RITI Interns on their graduations! Celeste Rivers, MSWCeleste graduated from Union University’s School of Social Work on May...
Hospitality in Every Place
A Message from our Executive Director The mission of Room in the Inn-Memphis is to serve those experiencing homelessness in a safe environment of...
Re-Centering, Yoga and RITI
Volunteer and instructor Laurie Kay shares her experiences and hopes for a safe yoga experience for our guests. Pictured above students from...
IMPORTANT UPDATES CONCERNING ROOM IN THE INN SEASON Our guests and volunteers are our priority, especially during times where extra safety...
Art Program, Gallery Fills RITI Day Center
Local artist Lindsey Byard donated nine pieces of mixed-media art to RITI-Memphis, helping to create the beginnings of our art gallery. The artwork...
New Year, New Opportunities
Celebrating RITI's 10th Anniversary Season (November 2019- March 2020) Dear Friends,Join me in celebrating an important milestone for Room in the...
100 Nights
Tonight marks the 100th night of our 2018-2019 Winter Shelter Season. We could not do this work without the power and love of the volunteers....
Month of Making Room
Join us throughout the Month of October as we celebrate a "Month of Making Room" and kick off our annual campaign for INNKEEPERS - our monthly...
Program Expansion: Summer Shelter
Gratitude for Season 9 & Great Things Ahead for RITI Memphis Thank you!Host congregations, guests, volunteers, donors, and supporters - we thank...
RITI Sunday
Room in the Inn - Memphis empowers faith communities to shelter and share meals with those experiencing homelessness. With the help of the...
Season 9 Begins
RITI Memphis Begins 9th Season November is almost here, and the Inn Crowd is busy preparing spaces of Holy Hospitality throughout the Greater...
Responding to the Call
Will you answer? Room in the Inn - Memphis receives a lot of calls on a daily basis:check-in calls from our churches and volunteers,hopeful referral...
Tis the Season
Memphis "Inn Crowd" Begins 8th Season with 35 Host Congregations Seven years ago a tiny congregation, Colonial Cumberland Presbyterian Church,...
Carpenter’s House
Can you believe there is only a month left in the season? Currently the Inn Crowd spans 25 congregations across 8 denominations and 2...
Giving Tuesday
As RITI-Memphis grows, so do opportunities for giving Each Week in Memphis:27 Congregations7 Nights240 Meals and Beds Six years ago a tiny...
Gwen’s Story
On June 7th, 2012, Gwen Jackson was found murdered on the steps of a church. Reverend Lisa Anderson, Pastor of Colonial Cumberland Presbyterian...