Our Partners

There are many ways to collaborate with Room in the Inn: financial and in-kind gift partners, congregational shelter hosts, organizations providing collaborative services and programs for RITI guests, and academic partners with student interns. Thank you to the following foundations, corporations, organizations, and institutions for your partnership during FY 2023-24. 



Beth Sholom Synagogue
Calvary Episcopal Church
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Christ Church
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Collierville Chrisitan Church
Colonial Park United Methodist Church
Covenant United Methodist Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Germantown
Emmanuel United Methodist Church
Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Farmington Presbyterian Church
Freedom’s Chapel Christian Church
Germantown Presbyterian Church
Germantown United Methodist Church
Heartsong United Methodist Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Incarnation Catholic Church
Kingsway Christian Church
Olivet Fellowship Baptist Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
Saint Paul Baptist Church
St Ann Bartlett Catholic Church
St. George’s Episcopal Church
St. John Antiochian Orthodox Church
St. Louis Catholic Church
St. Luke’s UMC
Temple Israel
The Healing Cathedral
West Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church
White Station Church of Christ

Agape Family Services
Alliance Healthcare
Boy Scouts of America
Catholic Charities
Christ Community Health Services
Community Services Agency Family Support/Self Sufficiency Program
Compass Community Schools
Dixon Gallery and Gardens
Empower Employ
First Presbyterian Church
Homes for Hearts
Lindenwood Church
Literacy Midsouth
Memphis Housing Authority
Memphis Shelby County Schools
Memphis Youth Mission (Youth Mission Co.)
Mid-South Therapy Dogs
MIFA (Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association)
Morning Star Baptist Church
Oikos Church
Praying Pelicans Ministries
Project Green Fork
Pursuit Program
Rapid Assessment Decision and Redirection (RADAR)
Shelby County Community Services Division
Shelby County Health Department
Stork’s Nest
Street Reach Ministries
Street Reach Ministries
Volunteer Odyssey
Resource Redistribution Ministry
West Clinic

Christian Brother’s University
Memphis Theological Seminary
Rhodes College
Union University
University of Memphis
UTHSC, Memphis Street Health
UTHSC, School of Nursing
UTSHC, School of Pharmacy


Assisi Foundation
Baptist Memorial Health Care
Butler Snow
Canale Foundation
Christian Community Foundation
City of Memphis
Clean Memphis
Community Alliance for the Homeless
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
First Horizon Foundation
Idlewild Presbyterian
Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation
Knapp Foundation
Memphis City Council
Orion Federal Credit Union
P.K. Seidman Charitable Trust
Saint John’s Episcopal Church
Slingshot Memphis, Inc
Speer Charitable Trust
T.W. Briggs Foundation
The Day Foundation
United Way of the MidSouth
Women’s Foundation for a Greater Memphis

Abbott Laboratories
Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Alpha Sunday School Class
Anthony’s Good Food Market
Asbury United Methodist Church
Beaver Creek CPC Women in Prayer
Beth Sholom Synagogue
Birmingham Hide & Tallow Co., Inc
Braden United Methodist Church
BVWM Shelby Oaks Owner , LLC
Calvary Episcopal Church
Catholic Church of Incarnation
Christ Church Memphis
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Tennessee
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Church of Christ at White Station
Church of the Holy Spirit
Church Women United, Inc – Memphis & Shelby County Unit
Clean Memphis
College UMC
Collierville Christian Church
Collierville Presbyterian Church
Commercial Advisors, LLC Fund
Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
Covenant United Methodist Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Germantown
Daughters of the King Diocese of West Tennessee
Ebeling-Purcell Properties, LTD
First Cumberland Presbyterian of Oak Ridge – Women’s Evening Circle
First Methodist Church Collierville
First Presbyterian Church
Germantown Christian 49ers Inc.
Germantown Presbyterian Church
Germantown UMC United Methodist Women
Germantown United Methodist Church
Greater Memphis Exchange Club
Her Faith Ministries
Home Depot
Horizon Sunday School Class
Intuitive Foundation
J.R. Hyde III Family Foundation
Kinco Constructors, LLC
Ladies of Charity
Makowsky, Ringel, Greenberg
Merck Foundation
Morning Star Baptist Church
N.A. Williams
New Bethal Missionary Baptist Church
New Direction Outreach Ministry
Orgill, Inc Fund
Real Life, Real God
Redeemer Presbyterian Church of Memphis
REI Nation LLC
Rhodes College
Saint Francis of Assisi Church
SkinnyCorp, LLC
Southeastern Asset Management Inc
St. George’s Episcopal Church
St. George’s Independent School
St. Paul Baptist Church
The McClure Family Fund
The Peyitforward Foundation
Trezevant Episcopal Home
Trinity United Methodist Church
Valine Family Charitable Fund
West TN Haiti Partnership
Zurich Foundation