This month we explore what it means to be “Make Room to Bloom” by reflecting our 3rd Annual “INN BLOOM: CELEBRATION OF NEW BEGINNINGS” held last month.
Inn Bloom celebrates the new beginnings and next steps RITI guests have and will achieve and is the birthday of the RITI Campus, Recuperative Care Center, and Family Inn programs!
Over the last three years, RITI has sheltered 1,131 individuals through the Recuperative Care and Family Inn programs.
705 of those sheltered on our campus were children under the age of 18.
With support from the RITI community, 123 households (353 individuals) have exited homelessness since April 2021.
Together, we believe more is possible
We work to achieve goals
We seek justice in broken systems
We walk together in celebrations, sorrows, and second chances
We give (and receive) seeds of hope,
and we watch them BLOOM.
At Room In The Inn – Memphis, each guest and family brings a story of their own. As we walk alongside those stories, which are often tragic and challenging, they become stories of hope and healing in time.
With your help and support, brighter days are made possible
through a caring staff and volunteers.