RITI Sunday

Nov 14, 2017

Room in the Inn – Memphis empowers faith communities to shelter and share meals with those experiencing homelessness.


With the help of the city-wide program, congregations are sharing the love of God through hospitality.

Room in the Inn Sunday is our annual fundraising effort centered on congregational support.

Trinity United Methodist is one congregation participating in RITI Sunday.

Because this program has become a primary outreach ministry for our church, Trinity United Methodist Church will hold a Room in the Inn Sunday. We will ask our members to give faithfully, because RITI brings them together with our neighbors to do the work that God is calling us to do—love our unsheltered neighbors.

Our congregation is very small and doesn’t have much money. No matter how much money we raise on Room in the Inn Sunday, we will give a substantial donation to Room in the Inn – Memphis. Without them we would not have this incredible opportunity to serve our homeless guests.

-Lois Young, Trinity UMC Room in the Inn coordinator

Receiving financial support from your congregation is essential to the stability and growth of Room in the Inn – Memphis.

November 5 is designated as Room in the Inn Sunday, but any day of giving during our operating season is welcome.

If your congregation would like to participate in Room in the Inn Sunday on November 5 or another date in our season, and you would like bulletin inserts or other promotional materials, please contact innkeeper@ritimemphis.org

Support the powerful connections RITI makes
between faith communities and those most vulnerable in our city.