Gratitude & Memorials

Gratitude & Memorials

We Remember Them… We started this month of gratitude on All Saints Day by dedicating our Guest Memorial Wall. A permanent installation remembers guests who have died since the first year of RITI Memphis. We acknowledge them, give thanks for knowing them, and...
Monthly Donors Give Growth

Monthly Donors Give Growth

There is a door frame in my grandparents’ house marking my height from ages 3 to 15. Lines etched deeply with Poppy’s pencil, an annual tradition on my birthday – an imprint, a reminder of my growth and our special bond.  I know many of you have similar marks on...
Winter Shelter Hosts Needed

Winter Shelter Hosts Needed

Congregational Shelter Hosts Create Spaces of Life Saving Shelter   I am getting so excited about a new season of Winter Shelter for our guests. This has been a difficult two years for all of us but it has been especially difficult for those who find themselves...
Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Community Engagement staff give sustainability and support So, you’ve heard about RITI’s three shelter programs – Congregational Shelter, Family Inn, and Recuperative Care. This month we want to highlight a team of staff members who work across all three...
Children in the Inn

Children in the Inn

CITI Camp Finally at Home! For twelve years, RITI has sheltered people experiencing homelessness in Memphis, and children have always been among the guests at the door. The obvious need for more family shelter spaces, advocacy services, and long-term support is what...
Recuperative Care Center

Recuperative Care Center

Welcome to RITI’s Recuperative Care Center!   Have you ever wondered what happens to someone experiencing homelessness who is released from the hospital and needs a safe place to fully recover? Welcome to the Recuperative Care Center (RCC) at Room in the...