Making Room in the Inn

Dec 11, 2024
How You Can Change the Story

Dear Friends, 
I would like to give you a glimpse into how each gift you give to this work impacts the guests we serve. By sharing Crystal’s story with you, I hope you can see why you are so important to this ministry. 

She came to us one evening with her three children seeking shelter. The house in which they were living burned, and as a mother of three with another on the way, she felt afraid and desperate. While using her car for shelter it was repossessed, so they slept at the bus terminal. Sleeping in a safe place provided by a congregation of welcoming people was the respite she needed.

Fortunately, during the final weeks of her pregnancy, the family moved to the Family Inn on our campus. Crystal expressed that having a place where she could bring her beautiful, healthy baby girl home changed what would have been a traumatic and stressful time into a wonderful experience for her whole family. She shared,

“This place is full of love, my kids know they are loved, we have everything we need and we are truly cared for every day.”

While her older children are in school each day, Crystal works with our social workers to begin planning for a more permanent living situation.

Every dollar you share provides shelter, food, and wrap around services to men, women, and children. Some are medically fragile, some have been unsheltered for many years, and like Crystal’s family, some are trying to recover from a series of tragic events.


We need your help again in the coming year! 

Your support helps continue the vital programs we have in place that are transforming lives every day. You also help us realize dreams for filling more gaps in services in the future. These dreams include child care assistance, onsite psychological services, a more permanent night-to-night emergency shelter for families, and expanding our housing stabilization services.

As this year comes to a close, I am thankful for this opportunity to remind you how much we rely on the financial support and sacrificial time you share with us. I know it means you understand the importance of this work, and it means that you have chosen to be part of making a difference. Thank you very much,  It is absolutely not possible without you.
I hope you know how good you are! 


Reverend Lisa Anderson 
Executive Director 

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