November 1 marked the start of RITI’s 16th winter shelter season.
That means we’ve had 15 full years of shelter and service with those experiencing homelessness in Memphis!
15 YEARS of
meals shared around tables
where guests and volunteers alike are fed and fueled
with warm, home-cooked meals and holy hospitality
15 YEARS of
new names and faces, and a few of the same,
all bringing unique gifts and stories
that have changed our lives and how we do this work
15 YEARS of
open doors and warm beds
on the coldest nights of the year,
a simple yet life-saving offering
15 YEARS of
honoring and remembering those
whose lives are lost
while experiencing homelessness in Memphis
15 YEARS of
shared smiles, laughter,
tears, and heartaches
15 YEARS of
so much gratitude
for the guests who open their lives to us
and the volunteers who open their doors
It’s been 15 YEARS, Inn Crowd!
We are so grateful for you.
Speaking of gratitude, we are full of thanks for the following congregations beginning our 16th season with us! Thanks to the dedication of volunteers across the greater Memphis area, spanning two faith traditions and over a dozen denominations, Room in the Inn will shelter men, women, and children every night this winter.
Beth Sholom Synagogue
Calvary Episcopal Church
Christ Church Memphis
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Collierville Christian Church
Colonial Park United Methodist Church
Covenant United Methodist Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Germantown
Emmanuel United Methodist Church
Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Farmington Presbyterian Church
Freedom’s Chapel Christian Church
Germantown Presbyterian Church
Germantown United Methodist Church
Grace St. Luke’s Episcopal
Heartsong United Methodist Church
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Homeless Meals on Wheels
Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Incarnation Catholic Church
Kingsway Christian Church
Morning Chapel Baptist Church
Olivet Fellowship Baptist Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH)
Peace Lutheran Church
Saint George’s Episcopal Church
Saint Paul Baptist Church
St. Louis Catholic Church
St. Ann Bartlett Catholic Church
St. John’s Antiochian Orthodox Church
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
Temple Israel
The Healing Cathedral
West Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church
White Station Church of Christ
There’s still room for YOU! Many nights on our calendar only have one host, which means only 14 spaces for those seeking shelter. Can you gather a group of friends and commit to hosting one night this winter? We can connect you with congregations with space already available and ready to host – all that’s missing is YOU!
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