Black Lives Matter

Jun 30, 2020

A Message from our Executive Director

Dear friends,
It is important that we all acknowledge the local and national efforts to oppose racism, white supremacy, and police violence against black people. As a person of faith and leader of a ministry that serves those who most often are the victims of oppressive actions I express grief for all who have lost loved ones, and anger at the injustice that causes our guests from communities of color to live in fear. I also support efforts to end this serious virus of racism that infects our country. This must be done even as we address the COVID19 crisis that disproportionately affects African Americans. I am called to declare that black lives matter. We each have a role to play in standing against racism. Our volunteers and supporters are making personal decisions about how to personally be part of the solutions. Room in the Inn-Memphis will also work for change by dedicating ourselves to the empowerment of our guests, many of whom are people of color, while learning from them the many lessons we need about the disparities they face each day of their lives.

With the support of the Board of Directors I am committed to an organization that works tirelessly educating our staff and volunteers as well as the community at large about issues that directly impact our guests who are experiencing homelessness. We are dedicated to a trauma informed program that is constantly striving to meet our guests where they are and seeing them as the beloved community. This becomes a reality when we are working personally to be better in our advocacy for them and becoming friends alongside them.

It can feel like there is little hope for making a difference as we watch people in so much pain each day. Hope finds life when we talk less and listen more. After listening we work to understand as best we can and then we take our place in the fight for equality for all persons created in God’s image. Room in the Inn-Memphis is going to do our part to build a space for this hope.


Reverend Lisa Anderson

Executive Director

Come build a space for hope with Room in the Inn.