Art Program, Gallery Fills RITI Day Center

Feb 13, 2020

Local artist Lindsey Byard donated nine pieces of mixed-media art to RITI-Memphis, helping to create the beginnings of our art gallery.

The artwork is part of a past exhibit titled, “What Are You Gonna Do About It?” which was previously on display at Memphis Theological Seminary.

Lindsey says,
“We are challenged daily by the world around us to choose whether to notice individuals and issues or to ignore them all together.”

The work is on display at the RITI Day Center in the main hall, hospitality room, and RITI offices and can be viewed during Day Center hours (Tue-Thur, 1-4pm) at 212 N. Second Street.

Lindsey is a professional artist working in the Greater Memphis area. If you are interested in viewing or purchasing more of her work or commissioning a piece, she can be reached at:

RITI is grateful for this generous and beautiful gift, and we hope you will stop by to take in the art, visit with guests, and grab a warm cup of coffee.

Read part of Lindsey’s artist statement below:

Art is fun.
The pieces are created with mixed media to offer playful nonthreatening messages.
Each piece is sprinkled with hearts challenging the viewer to love well.
Think about what you are doing to make a difference.
What are you doing to solve the problem?
What are you doing to love well?
What are you going to do about it?

Art is personal.
Each piece of art carries its own message and speaks to each person uniquely and individually.
These pieces were created to stir emotion and challenge people,
without using a bullhorn, to identify visually with the intended message.
What are you going to do about it? God’s gut check for us.
The pieces are meant to be fun and thought provoking, not political statements but rather a message to stop and think.

Creative Arts Programs

Guests and volunteers enjoy a weekly Open Studio time facilitated by Program Director, Rev. Whitney Brown. During this time, participants have access to a variety of art supplies to create their own work, paint or color in pre-designed books, or learn a new technique.

On Thursdays, volunteer Kelly James leads a Creative Writing group where participants are given a theme for the day, have time for free-writing and then time to share their work with their peers if they desire.

Creative outlets are important for everyone.
Time and space to create gives guests and volunteers alike a peaceful respite from often chaotic lives and a chance to connect with one another beyond words.

You are welcome to join us by visiting or volunteering at the Day Center, donating to RITI, or ordering art supplies and other needed items from our Amazon Wishlist.

Want to share your creativity with RITI guests?

The RITI campus has numerous opportunities to share your gifts.