100 Nights

Feb 9, 2019

Tonight marks the 100th night of our 2018-2019 Winter Shelter Season.


We could not do this work without the power and love of the volunteers. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again,

“The Inn Crowd is the Best Crowd!”

Thank you for helping us share Holy Hospitality with our guests this season. Below are a few of our recent highlights:

  • We have added two host congregations since the season began, Beth Sholom Synagogue and St. Michael Catholic Church along with St. Patrick Catholic Church returning!
  • St. George’s RITI Club (student led) also hosted a night, and two Boy Scout troops have hosted at The Ozanam Center.
  • Many of our congregations have stepped up and worked together to add extra nights of shelter in brutally cold temperatures.
  • The Carpenter’s House Day Center remains open on Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons from 1-4pm, despite major plumbing issues leaving us without restrooms. We offer a warm space of hospitality as well as an assortment of optional activities (Yoga, Art, Movies, 12 Step Meetings, and More!)

We want YOU in the Inn Crowd.
Become a Host and offer life-saving shelter in life-changing ways.